Council's Corner

We would like to thank the many people who helped put the new Fredonia website together. We feel this is a good start in improving our communication and co-operation. There are numerous resources available on the new site and we encourage you to utilize the information to become more involved. The Fredonia website will be continually updated, improved, and expanded so don't forget to bookmark the address so you can refer to it easily.

Having this website will save the town money and time. As we become more efficient, we will be able to provide better service to you and our community.

The Council's Corner will be a place to keep the people in the town of Fredonia informed and up to date on current affairs.  We will address concerns in the community, discuss future projects, and present ideas for improvement. We are continually looking for ways to help the town of Fredonia run more efficiently and this site will help you become involved.

If you have any concerns, suggestions, or information please E-mail us. We look forward to hearing from you!

Have a great day!

The Mayor and Town Council